=== WP Post Feed Shortcode plugin ===
Contributors: Aether, 1tec.com.au
Tags: shortcode, posts, feed
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 6.1
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv2 or later License
URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Add a shortcode to display a list of posts with sorting and loading features.
== Description ==
This plugin allows you to add a shortcode to display a list of posts on any of your WordPress site pages.
The plugin comes with the following features:
- Posts sorting based on date or title
- “Load More” button to load additional posts
- Optional filtering by category
- Customizable CSS for the posts and load more button
The shortcode can be added to any page or post using the following format:
[posts_feed order_by="date" order="desc" limit="10" category=""]
The following attributes are available:
- order_by: Sort posts by date or title (default: date)
- order: Sort posts in ascending or descending order (default: desc)
- limit: Set the number of posts to display (default: 10)
- category: Filter posts by category (default: empty)
Additionally, you can use the following shortcode to add the “Load More” button:
The plugin is fully customizable through CSS. The CSS classes used in the plugin are:
- .posts-feed-container: Wrapper for the posts feed
- .post: Container for each post
- .post-title: Title of each post
- .load-more-wrapper: Wrapper for the load more button
- .load-more: Button for loading more posts
== Installation ==
- Upload the plugin posts-feed-plugin to the
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Add the shortcode [posts_feed] to any page or post where you want to display a list of posts.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I customize the CSS of the plugin?
= The plugin comes with default CSS styles, which can be overridden by adding your own CSS styles in your theme’s style.css file.
= Can I change the “Load More” button text?
= Yes, To change the text on the “Load More” button, you can modify the text within the load-more-posts.php file. Look for the line of code that contains the button element and change the text inside the button tags to your desired text.
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
- Initial release.
You can download this plugin from the link below.